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Our At-Home Date Night Game

Writer's picture: Amanda MacGregorAmanda MacGregor

Updated: Feb 25, 2023

Our At-Home Date Night Game - Amanda MacGregor - joseph centineo - food allergies

Lately, every day has started to feel like they are morphing together. Coupled with the fact, like so many others, we've been in the house for so long due to COVID. We are thankful for the privilege we have had to stay home during this crazy time, but we had to start getting creative to spice up the weeks.

As we adapt to our new normal of working from home and always being at home, we created a fun "quarantine date night" game to break up the repeating routine. We each wrote down about a handful of date night ideas we could do at home on pieces of paper, folded them up, and added them to a mason jar. When we need a break from our typical routine of working, cooking, and home projects, we pull a paper at random and complete the date idea written on it.

Below is the list of dates we completed. I shall update this blog as we continue to complete more!

Index of Dates

Date Night 1: Outdoor Movie Night
Outdoor Movie - Our At-Home Date Night Game - Amanda MacGregor - joseph Centineo

"Put on bug spray, light the fire pit, and watch a flick outside under the stars!"

With it still being warm out, this was the ideal first pick! We chose to watch the Back to the Future trilogy, a fan favorite of mine, and a classic set of movies Joe never saw. Thought this would be the best way for his first viewing of such an iconic trilogy.

It wouldn't be a movie without snacks. We munched on a selection of cookies, including Partake's Carrot Cake Cookies!

Date Night 2: Good Ol' Fashion Movie Night
movie night - Our At-Home Date Night Game - Amanda MacGregor - joseph centineo

"Get in your comfy PJs, grab the snuggly blanket, and pick a movie to view! Plus, snacks are a must!"

Ironically, we picked another movie-themed date. We decided to view Almost Famous, a movie Joe hasn't seen but is one of my favorite movies while enjoying oat milk lattes and "Nut" Butter Chocolate Chip Cookies.

Date Night 3: "HGTV" Project

"Plan a home improvement project you both can do together"

During our extra time at home due to quarantine, we have been tackling a lot of home projects and renovations. For this date, we decided to pick one small project we can work on together, and will only take a couple of days to complete.

We ended up tackling the backyard and building raised garden beds. We can't wait to plant next spring in our now-organized garden, filled with compost and nutritional soil. We have additional ideas for the area, but, for now, we are very proud of the outcome.

Date Night 4: Bake a Sweet Treat Together

"Find a recipe you will both enjoy and bake it together"

I had been eyeing this recipe in Jennifer Esposito's cookbook Jennifer's Way for a couple of months but was too intimidated in making my own jam. Being that it was the holiday season, we figured now was a better time than any! The day before our "date", I made the jams, and the next day we got to work! Pretty happy with how they turned out.

Date Night 5: Fort Night
indoor camping date - Our At-Home Date Night Game - Amanda MacGregor - joseph centineo
indoor camping date - Our At-Home Date Night Game - Amanda MacGregor - joseph centineo

"Build a fort and have some campsite fun!"

On a rainy Sunday night, we built a fort in our living room using a couple of bed sheets. I filled the inside with cozy blankets, flameless candles, and pillows, and we watched movies while snuggling up and enjoying some YumEarth snacks. However, Duchess did end up getting curious about our structure and jumped onto its roof to check it out. At least it was fun while it lasted.

Stay tuned for more dates to come!


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